} O Weak and Limited One!
} Let's find out:
} % simulate roulette1
} How Many Players: 1
} Player 1 Name: Weak and Limited One
} Nickname: W&LO
} Player 1 Bankroll: $36000
} <begin simulation 1>
} "Welcome back to the beautiful Sand's Casino, Mr. W&LO. Can I get you
} a drink? No? Fine. The roulette table is just this way."
} "Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen, place your bets...Ah, I see
} you're back to try number zero again, Mr. W&LO! Good luck to you!"
} <WHHIIIRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrtacktacktacktackDINKtiktok....>
} "27 black! Everybody's a loser. Place your bets."
} "Would you care to borrow against your account, Mr. W&LO? You would?
} $100,000? I think that can be arranged. There you go."
} "Place your bets, everybody, place your bets!"
} <WHIIIIZZZZZZZZZZBINKbikabikabikaTOCKbikabikabikatacktacktacktak....>
} "Everybody's a loser. So sorry."
} "Mr W&LO? Where do you think you're going? Leaving us? Oh, no, Mr.
} W&LO, you have to pay up your account before leaving. No money? You
} have no money? Ah. Let me introduce you to our debt reconciliation
} manager, Mr. Rocco "The Rock" Giardinni, and his associate, Mr. Walter
} "Crushed Nose" Solcwizski. I believe they have some information for
} you in that very dark room in the back...?"
} <end simulation 1>
} Hmmm... Not very much fun, huh? Let's try again, at a different
} Casino.
} % simulate roulette2
} How Many Players: 1
} Player 1 Name: Weak and Limited One
} Nickname: W&LO
} Player 1 Bankroll: $36000
} <begin simulation 2>
} "Welcome to the Trump Taj Mahal Casino! Would you care to watch the
} very naked women dance in the lounge? No? Fine. The roulette table
} is just this way."
} "Bets, ladies and gentlemen, bets please. Thank you, Mr. W&LO. I see
} you've taken the lucky number zero? An excellent choice. Let's see
} how you fare..."
} <BZZZZZZZZINNNNGGGGGGGGGginkgunkDINKDONKpingpongwallawallabingbang...>
} "Zero! A winner!! Let it ride? Fine."
} <FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEPlickPOINGbouncebouncebouncebouncebinkaboinkabonk...>
} "Zero AGAIN!! My, you ARE on a lucky stream tonight, Mr. W&LO! Let
} it ride again?? Oh, you are the daredevil!"
} <WHIZZZZZZZZZSkitteryskaterryflickitaflickitaflickflickflick...>
} "Zero again. My, aren't you the fortunate one. Let it ride again?
} Oh, I don't think so, Mr. W&LO. What's that? You've decided to go
} for a ride with these two gentlemen? Ah, I see you've met our Special
} Winner Congratulations Committee. Please, allow me to introduce you:
} The smaller one towering over your left shoulder is Louis Schiller.
} They used to call him "Killer Schiller," ha ha. Some childhood
} nickname, I'm sure. The gentleman twisting your left leg is called
} 'Puke.' It's funny, we've never managed to find out if he has any
} other name. You'll be leaving now? Oh, I'm sure the three of you
} will have a WONDERFUL time. Your chips? I'll be happy to take care
} of those for you. No, I don't think you'll be needing them soon."
} <end simulation2>
} Hm. Not promising either, is it? Maybe you should consider another
} hobby. I hear that stamps are nice.
} You owe the Oracle two pair of loaded dice and a bullet-proof vest.