} There ae several reasons for this, none of which I will reveal to
} you. If you were to truly understand the answer to this question, it
} would begin a long chain of events, delicately balanced, which will
} result in the end of 1997 coming 32 seconds early, the crust of the
} Earth shrinking by 1.7% by 2004, a new volcanic circle springing up
} which intersects Macchu Picchu and Hell, Norway, the eventual re-rise of
} Atlantis, the reactivation by an obscure but brilliant archaeologist of
} an Atlantean subspace signaler, the arrival in 2065 of a part of the
} Chalub fleet which fled Earth ago, their extreme anger when they
} determine that there are no stranded Atlanteans to rescue (the Chalub
} government subsidizes rescues like you wouldn't believe), an enormous
} conflict between the forces of Earth and the forces of Chalub, after
} which the Chalub fleet leaves, but which unifies Earth into one signle
} nation and also massively disrupts the ionosphere (those MPL cannon have
} to be seen to be believed), following which the Usenet is simultaneously
} made unneccesary and impossible, following which I (the Usenet Oracle)
} will cease to exist. It is obviously in my better interests not to
} answer your question.
} A hint, though: it has to do with an inscription on one of the
} support beams for the southern bridge of the Peltor mesa's
} fortifications.
} (I live dangerously...)