} Well, if you want my opinion, I think you'll find that you hate the
} damnable wizards so, because they're so damnable, but you aren't going
} to be happy with that answer, so let's go into their history a bit.
} The first evidence that the So family existed at all can be found in bas
} reliefs that date back to 5th century BC in china. These sculptures
} clearly depict a warrior clan led by a family of wizards. The wizards
} coat of arms is merely a chinese letter which translates as the
} phoenitic "SO", hence the name. The wizards ruled with an iron hand
} until, as the myths tell it, the day of the great Arachnok, the spider
} armageddon, when the wizards fought on the wrong side. From that day
} onward, the wizards have been damned forever, never being allowed to use
} capital letters. As you know, capital letters are quite important to
} the language, they allow you to begin a sentence more clearly, most
} proper names use them, but most importantly, capital letters are the
} easiest way to STRESS SOMETHING IMPORTANT. As you can clearly see. The
} wizards So, became known as the damnable wizards so, and have been known
} henceforth as such.
} Now, being damnable, as well as not being allowed to use capital
} letters, the damnable wizards so, became quite outraged, first at the
} winning side of arachnok, as they call it, and eventually everybody in
} general. They began to commit horrible acts of treachery and torture on
} the populace of China, which they were forced to call china, and very
} soon, the populace began to hate them. In the 3rd century BC, the
} people of China rose up and detroyed the wizards so, presumably forever.
} So, obviously you hate those damnable wizards so, due to a terrifying
} race memory you've kept with you since before birth.
} You owe the oracle a glass of chinese tea and some fortune cookies.