} That's "CONQUER," you...you...damn. Just a second, my thesaurus
} server is offline and I need some really archaic insult. Ah, it's
} back up. Let's see: "FOOL: idiot, dunce, buffoon". No, not quite.
} "IDIOT: mental defective, imbecile, moron." Hmmm. "MORON: cretin,
} idiot, imbecile." Perfect. Let's try again.
} That should be "CONQUER," you cretin! What's more, that second comma
} should be a period, "West" should be capitalized, and that last
} sentence doesn't make any sense at all! Do you have any idea how much
} extra effort I have to put in to try to parse garbage like that? I
} can't use my standard context-free parser, and even my normal natural
} language processor barfs on it. I have to pull out my "Dunce and
} buffoon" parser. If you think NP-complete algorithms are hard, you
} should see the complexity of this one! You people have no idea how
} much trouble you cause when you fail to proofread. No wonder you
} geeks can't get anything better than a C minus in any class where
} you're required to actually write ENGLISH. Sure, you may be able to
} handle C, Fortran, Pascal, Snobol, Cobol, 8088, JCL, Ada, Eiffel,
} Algol, and APL, but if you try to put together a few paragraphs in a
} letter to your mother, you choke! You don't believe me? When was the
} last time you wrote to your mother, then?
} And what are you doing getting addicted to some stupid video game,
} anyway? My god, it's just little blocks falling down into a big
} rectangle. It's not even violent! Neither does it involve much
} mental effort; it's mostly memorization of patterns coupled with quick
} reflexes. Daytime television is more intellectually taxing than this!
} You could at least be addicted to some real electronic game, like "Zork
} Zero" (involves mental effort), or "Street Fighter II" (violent).
} Besides, doesn't that lousy music bore you?
} Now tell, me then: why do all of you have this game? Did every
} person there actually BUY the game? Or, did you ILLEGALLY COPY IT all
} over the place, you PIRATE?! You know, programmers have to make a
} living, too. Some of them produce this game that, for some reason,
} you love so much, and what do you do? You spit in their face, and
} don't pay them for their work, that's what. How would you like it if
} your boss told you he didn't feel like giving out paychecks this week?
} You wouldn't, that's how!
} So you expect me to answer a question from a functional illiterate
} imbecilic criminal software pirate who doesn't proofread, is addicted
} to a stupid game which he plays instead of working, gives serious
} thought to conspiracy theories, and doesn't write to his mother? Well,
} you know what I say to that?
} "OK."
} The answer to your question is a very common one:
} No. They did it because they needed the money.