} You see, the gloids were a race of beings who used to inhabit sewers
} throughout the Lost Continent of Atlantis (which really isn't _lost_ per
} se, just misplaced. I wish they'd find it, the Atlantean Government
} borrowed one of my favorite priestesses just before The Disappearance,
} and I'd like her back (and her front, and her top, and her bottom)...er,
} I digress) where they would live on the wastes of the Atlanteans. This
} wasn't such a horrible existence as it sounds, as the Altlanteans only
} used their sewers to dispose of their unused chocolate and occasionally
} a nubile slave girl or boy or two. Of course, the gloids liked to "go
} topside" every once in a while, and so they would get to the streets
} through the manhole covers. Now, gloids had this problem of leaving
} slimy trails of chocolate wherever they went, which did nothing to
} improve the mood of the perpetually grumpy Atlantean Street Cleaners.
} So, the City Planners started making the manhole covers much thicker and
} heavier. The gloids soon found that they would need some new way of
} moving those blasted covers, so they started enhancing their strength
} with pneumatic exoskeltons (which they got from some Troll Mechanics who
} were sidelighting for the Piss Off The Council Hepcats (P.I.T.C.H)).
} Any gloid who was fortunate enough to posess one of these devices became
} known as a pneumogloid. Eventually, jealousy between the pneumogloid
} "haves" and the gloid "have-nots" resulted in a messy little sewer war
} which wiped out the species.
} You owe the Oracle an oil-change.