} Oh foolish mortal, the Oracle hears your plea!
} You say that you heard the phrase "Giddyup Mister Broccoli" in your
} tortured dreams, following a blow to the head. Obviously, you have
} confused dreams and visions, thus looking in the wrong place for your
} answer. Dreams are are sent to mortals by the gods, while visions well
} up from the soul, or are induced by so-called inanimate objects. I
} suggest you look at your soul...
} Wait, I'll do it for you...
} Hmmm, small, rather, uh, dusty shall we say...
} Let's see, "Broccoli"...
} Here we go... You have a deep and unquenchable desire to see a new
} James Bond movie, and your soul (or subconcious) is imploring
} the producer, Albert Broccoli, to get his "rear in gear". The phrasing
} of this plea implies that you desire the movie to have a western
} setting, indicating a desire to see Timothy Dalton in black leather
} chaps. Naughty, naughty!
} You owe the Oracle a video copy of "babette's feast"