} It is surprising how often people such as yourself ask this question.
} Kevin Carter and the Sunshine Silver Band of Barnsley East in
} Yorkshire were obviously more popular in their day than I had
} realised. It has not proved possible to trace all of the members,
} however the principals have been located:
} Kevin himself, the band-leader and solo tuba-ist, now owns a pie shop
} in Preston, imaginitively named "Kevin's Pie Shop". In his spare time
} he works as a consultant ethnic musicologist to the BBC Northern
} Region.
} Tom Squire, the much-vaunted cornet player, is now a balding P.E.
} teacher at Barnsley Grammar School. His cornet has not seen the light
} of day for several years, and Tom has taken to polishing his pate in
} preference to his instrument.
} Isaiah Baker, the slide trombonist, pursued a musical career after
} the band broke up, playing with orchestras such as the Manchester
} Phil., and also working as a session musician with the Beatles, the
} Rolling Stones, and the Laughing Policeman. Unfortunately he started
} to be adversely influenced by the lifestyle of these young people, and
} after many rumours of deteriorating health, was eventually found dead
} in a hotel room after an overdose of long hair and free love.
} William "Billy" Probitt, the "Big Bass Drum" player, who developed an
} astounding physique through lunching exclusively on steak-and-kidney
} pies and beer and marching for hours beating upon his drum, fell in
} love with a glockenspielist from the Salvation Army, got religion,
} fell out of love again, got a different religion, and ended up a
} Methodist minister, and now works at a small church north of York in
} Little Midden.
} For this deeply researched answer, you owe the oracle a
} c.d. of British Brass Band Hits of the Early Fifties.