} Yes, children, it's time for the field trip! I hope you all remembered
} your permission slips!
} "Where's it to this time, Mr. Oracle?"
} Well, today is a special day! We're going to see where bottled orgasms
} come from!
} "Bottled *what*, teacher?"
} I didn't think you'd know, Johnny. Here, read this book while we're on
} the bus ride.
} "Gee, thanks, teach! Wow, lots of cool pictures!"
} <About two hours later, at the Bottled Orgasm Inc. factory. The tour
} is beginning.>
} Now kids, form a single-file line and follow the nice man in the
} hardhat and white lab coat.
} "Well, children, here's the main office. Here you can see our
} operators, who answer the 85.4 phone calls we get in the average
} working day. Most of the calls are compliments, but a few are
} complaints or quality control problems."
} <A siren goes off, accompanied by flashing red lights. Another
} hardhatted worker runs from a telephone out the door and down the hall,
} clutching a clipboard.>
} "That was one now. As you can see, we at BOI like to solve these
} problems as quickly as we can. Now lets move to the shipping
} department."
} <Those kids that are in the back of the line manage to see the sprinter
} return to the telephones by a back door, gumbling something about
} having to do that every time a tour group comes through.
} The shipping department is a large assembly-line of people who
} basically take bottles of orgasms and label them, pack them into
} crates, label the crates, and stack them to be mailed. It's pretty
} boring, actually.>
} "Now we get to move on to the very heart of Bottled Orgasms - the
} production room!"
} "Hey, what are those two people doing?"
} Did you read that book or not, Johnny?
} "No, sir, I just looked at the pictures."
} Well done, lad! A man after my own heart. Remember page 37?
} "Oh, *that's* what they're doing! Neat!"
} "As you can see, our technicians are experts at bottling orgasms when
} they're at their ripest peak. Our production teams average 17.2
} orgasms per working day, and we currently have 84 teams, each with two
} members."
} "But where can *I* get bottled orgasms?"
} "Well, young Johnny, I suggest you go to your local 'adult bookstore'
} and ask for them there. If they don't carry them, ask them to!"
} "I will, right away!"
} You owe the Oracle a dozen roses and a Klein bottle for Lisa.