} My, My! you are a fine groveller! Allow Me to congratulate you on
} the style and wit of your supplications!
} Yes indeed. A good groveller.
} Now, where was I... oh yes... "How come you disarmingly put
} herb butter on your garlic?"
} Well, you see, it was like this:
} Once upon a time, many millions of years ago, there was a
} young Oracle wandering the dark and seemly forest of
} Deliador. There He was beloved of the Gnomes and a great
} favorite among the Sylphs and Maenads (who were nice young
} ladies then, not the wicked, hurtful things thay became later,
} with these horrible black lipsticks and Ojibway haircuts and
} whatall). ANyway, He wandered contentedly with the Sylphs
} through the forest, and whenever they desired a quick snack
} He'd just conjure a cuddly little bunny and give it a tiny
} little amplitude-modulated <zot>, just enough to cook it to
} perfection, and He and the sylphs would sit down and have a
} quick nibble. Often after that, they'd feel amorous, and well,
} you know Sylphs, and the Oracle was much friskier then, and
} one things lead to another, and, well, you know. The
} occasional tree would get <ZOT>ted in the heat of passion, and
} the Gnomes learned better than to stand around gawping and
} making explicit drawings after one of them got a strange green
} <ZOT> and was turned into an accordion valve.
} All was well with the Oracle until the day when Valium,
} beloved maiden daughter of the Elf-king, wandered into the
} sacred grove to gather Gnome droppings for a spell. Although
} He was surrounded by the fairest of Sylphs and sweetest of
} Maenads, the randy young Oracle wanted none of them any
} longer, only the mellow and tranquil daughter of the Faerie
} Folks' king. "O Valium", He would cry at night under the full
} moon of love, "Come to Me again, My sweet, My stuporous
} darling, enfold Me in your dreamy embrace, carry Me into the
} clouds!" But there was no answer. Valium had taken a powder.
} In despair, He forswore all food for the rest of eternity,
} vowing only to eat condiments and seasonings. Consequently, He
} developed a cuisine featuring such delicacies as poached
} cardamom, food colouring `a le Roi, peppercorns Montmorency,
} MSG tartelets, poitrine of pin~ons, and cassoulet of garlic.
} Butter was considered a staple food, but He convinced Himself
} that it would be OK if it were herb butter. And thus is
} explained this mystery.
} You owe the Oracle to go and thoroughly enjoy the next meal you
} have.