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Internet Oracularities #414

414, 414-01, 414-02, 414-03, 414-04, 414-05, 414-06, 414-07, 414-08, 414-09, 414-10

Usenet Oracularities #414    (35 votes, 2.9 mean)
Compiled-By: "Steve Kinzler" <kinzler@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 92 16:02:36 -0500

@@@ Rec.humor.oracle and rec.humor.oracle.d have been officially created.
@@@ Many thanks to Oracle Priest Michael "Harold the Foot" Nolan for
@@@ carrying the newsgroups through their vote and creation process.
@@@ Rec.humor.oracle is moderated -- posting to it should forward your
@@@ posting to the Oracle.  So, if your news system is properly
@@@ configured, you can now ask questions of the Oracle by posting to
@@@ rec.humor.oracle.  Mail replies to Oracularities postings should go
@@@ to oracle-vote to make it easy to submit your ratings.  News follow-
@@@ ups to the Oracularities are redirected to rec.humor.oracle.d.  This
@@@ newsgroup is unmoderated and will serve as a discussion forum for
@@@ the Usenet Oracle, Sore Loser posts, etc.  Alt.humor.oracle will be
@@@ phased out over the following few months and eventually deleted.

!!! Those of you on the Oracularities mailing list who now can read the
!!! Oracularities on rec.humor.oracle can unsubscribe to the list by
!!! mailing to oracle-request@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu with the word
!!! "unsubscribe" in the "Subject:" line.  I encourage you to do so,
!!! since it's much easier for us to distribute the Oracularities via
!!! news rather than mail.

To find out how to participate in the Usenet Oracle, send mail to:
   oracle@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu or {ames,rutgers}!iuvax!oracle
with the word "help" in the subject line.

Let us know what you like!  Send your ratings of these Oracularities on
a scale of 1 = "not funny" to 5 = "very funny" with the volume number to
oracle-vote on iuvax (probably just reply to this message).  For example:
   2 1 3 4 3   5 3 3 4 1

414   35 votes 4db52 2j941 1ib50 2bi22 09h63 59e70 37be0 3baa1 18f92 336g7
414   2.9 mean  2.7   2.5   2.6   2.7   3.1   2.7   3.0   2.9   3.1   3.6

414-01    (4db52 dist, 2.7 mean)
Selected-By: Greg Wohletz <greg@duke.cs.unlv.edu>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh Oracle, to whom living in Maine is surely grovelling enough, but
> if it's not, I figuratively lick your boots and several other
> demeaning things-- NOT. Here's the question: How many presidential
> candidates are there, and when are they going to stop mysteriously
> apparing out of nowhere?  This problem has me vexed, I had to put
> three out by the bin yesterday, and the dustman won't touch them.

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} There are in fact seven presidential candidates that have a
} realistic chance of becoming the President of the United States
} next year:
} (2) George Bush and Pat Buchanan are the Republican Party's
} offerings this year; Pat doesn't have much of a chance actually for
} this election, but he has a strong claim for the Republican
} nomination for '96 (Dan Quayle for prez? Not!) Unfortunately, George
} has really fouled up the economy, and he can't use the excuse that
} he was taking an afternoon nap when some naughty cabinet member
} snuck in and screwed up the economy (it's been used already).  It's
} rumored that he's whipping up a plan with the Pentagon to launch a
} sneak attack at  night on the budget deficit with the 82nd Airborne
} and a regiment of civilian Broccoli-phobes.
} (1) For the Democratic Party, Paul Tsongas is really the only one
} who has votes supporting him.  Unfortunately, he brings voters as
} much enthusiasm as an ammonia enema.  Maybe they should recycle
} McGovern once more.  I mean, if the liberals in this country are so
} damn gung-ho about recycling to reduce waste, why not recycle
} presidential candidates?  It's not like the dems are going to win
} this year, anyways.
} (1) There's the Virtual Party and their Virtual Presidential
} Candidate Mario Cuomo.  The numbers of voters that actually support
} this party are hard to come by since they keep swapping their
} choices for president in and out of memory.
} (1) And you can't forget the American Nazi Party's candidate for
} fuhrer of the USA, David 'I heart "black|oriental|jew|hispanic|^white",
} honest' Duke. What a schmuck.
} (1) Lee Iacocca has always been a possible presidential candidate.
} Somehow despite the huge losses that GM suffers, the thousands of
} layoffs every year, and the million dollar yearly bonuses that the
} executives continue to get, he still is perceived as a successful
} business and that he should be given a chance to replicate his
} success at GM with the country.
} Yes, there are a lot of stupid people in this country.
} (1) And finally, there's Wayne and Garth of the ALKI party
} (Americans that Love Kanned Intoxicants).  Way! They are actually
} the front-runners in the presidential race, mostly due to a massive
} nationwide write-in campaign, Wayne for pres, and Garth, his running
} mate, for the vital veep post.  They want to change the name of the
} country to "Wayne's United States World" (I know it's cheesy) and to
} build a beer moat around the country (an idea stolen from the
} Monarchist Party at the University of Maryland).
} You owe The Oracle a date with (SCHWINNNG!) any female heavy metal
} bassist with large breasts and a tight fitting wardrobe.

414-02    (2j941 dist, 2.5 mean)
Selected-By: Otis Viles <4164@alma.edu>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh illustrious and sexily shaken Oracle, who has showered us all with
> his omniscience, all-revealing, answer for this supplicant this meagre
> plea.  How is a sin like a kerchief?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} grovelling that made you escape eternal doom.
} A sin is not like a kerchief.  A sin is like either a lead weight that
} presses upon your soul, or like an airy feather that lifts you up.
} You owe the oracle lust, sloth, avarice, envy, gluttony, jealousy and a
} seventh sin to be named later.

414-03    (1ib50 dist, 2.6 mean)
Selected-By: Otis Viles <4164@alma.edu>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> O great and ever-ready Oracle, whose teeth are whiter than a polar
> bear's buttocks, whose smile is brighter than the fireflies at
> Chernobyl, answer me this:
> If white is not a colour, merely the reflection of light, and black
> is merely the absence or absorption of light, then which is grey:
> black or white?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Ah, now this is a question that has puzzled many minds (though none so
} great as the Oracle's, of course <modest cough>).
} The great Sufi poet Shazzimifoop once spent three years with his left
} little finger embedded in his right ear, dancing in the grape fields,
} in hopes of discovering the answer to this question, but without
} success.
} The famous Zen monk Tai-Dai Kuriin spent most of his final years
} meditating on a mountain top in the hope that he would achieve
} enlightenment regarding this question.  When one of his students came
} to see how he was doing, he was found crawling around on all fours,
} unable to speak except to utter the phrase "the legs, the horrible
} legs!!"
} Fortunately, the Oracle is not subject to such mortal foibles, and is
} able to tell you that grey is neither black, nor white.
} You owe the oracle a book of Sufi poetry, a jug of wine, and an
} all-expense paid vacation with Lisa.

414-04    (2bi22 dist, 2.7 mean)
Selected-By: Karyanta

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh great and magnificent Oracle, upon whose phlegm I would not be
> worthy to nibble, and whose massively wonderful graciousness is seen
> and remarked upon by people of high quality everywhere, please
> answer my question.
> Should I vote for someone who wants to take all my money and
> give it to the poor people, or someone who wants to take all my
> money and give it to the rich people?  And is it better to elect
> an idiot who is running, an idiot who is not running, or someone who
> is running from an idiot?
>                           -Confused in NH

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} It doesn't actually matter who you vote for, as will become apparent.
} To paraphrase a modern-day philosopher: Anyone who is capable of
} becoming leader is the last person who should be allowed to do it.
} (It is left as an exercise to the reader to discover who said this.)
} Although it may seem like it, the US government is not completely
} stupid, and has been aware of this fact for many years. Therefore it
} has become customary to elect a President who is then kept so busy
} making speeches, opening buildings, tossing coins at sporting events,
} appearing on TV and so on that he never realises that he never
} actually does anything. The real decisions are made by someone else
} completely, and the interesting thing is that this person doesn't
} even know the role that he or she is playing. This person is sent
} occasional e-mail messages from the "Usenet Oracle", posing
} hypothetical questions about the economy, the international political
} situation, and so forth. The answers are then acted upon.
} So in essence: vote for anyone who gives you money.
} You owe the Oracle a question on the abortion issue.

414-05    (09h63 dist, 3.1 mean)
Selected-By: Joshua.R.Poulson@cyber.Widener.EDU

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

>  Oh Oracle who never has to look for parking, I recently finished
> Piers Anthony's "incarnations of immortality" series, and
> realised that although the office of Oracle is immortal,
> the current incumbent used to be a mere human like myself.
> To enliven my dreary existence, can you tell me what it was like
> to become the Oracle?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Well, if life were like a Piers Anthony novel, oh dreary one, I was
} a bigoted but honorable man who was forced to assume the office
} of The Oracle by a promise that I made years before.  After assuming
} the office and experiencing a series of humorous and/or embarrassing
} events (helped by my newfound familiar, Lisa), I eventually
} came out on top during an altercation with . . . SATAN?
} Now isn't *that* special.
} Of course, life is not a Piers Anthony novel (thank Me).  I have
} always been The Oracle and always shall be The Oracle, Supreme
} Being Extrodinair.  (Mr Anthony should consider himself warned that
} the book he is currently considering, "With Prescience and a Short
} Temper", would be a large and painful mistake.)
} Always remember Ruling of the Oracle #27: Thou Shalt Not take thy
} philosophies of life from Science or Fantasy Fiction.  Especially Piers
} Anthony or Robert Heinlen.  Take them rather from . . . Me.
} So let it be written, so let it be done.
} You owe the Oracle a hardback of the uncut
} _Stranger_in_a_Strange_Land_.

414-06    (59e70 dist, 2.7 mean)
Selected-By: nolan@helios.unl.edu (Harold the Foot)

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> So who are we today?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} Oracle:  Hey, Lisa, get this.  This human just sent in this question.
}        Check this out.  It says, "So who are we today?"  Can you
}        believe that?  Should I <ZOT> the poor, insecure hapless
}        mass of human flesh?
} Lisa: (As she steps out of the shower, her body glistening with
}       water and little droplets splash on the tile floor) No, don't
}       pull the old <Zot> again.  You've been doing that lately.
} Oracle: Alright, if you insist.  But what should I say?
} Lisa: I don't know.  You're asking me?  You're the all-powerful Oracle!
} Oracle: I guess I'll put it aside and sleep on it.
}       {That night the Oracle put it under his pillow and slept
}        a dreamy sleep filled with adventure, romance, suspense,
}        and really gross crawling things that make you shiver
}        and gives you the Heebie Jeebies}
} (During the middle of the night, Oracle wakes up in a cold sweat,
}  shivering all over, after having awoken from the most horrible
}  nightmare.  Lisa is awoken by his screaming and asks him what
}  happenened.)
} Oracle: I don't know.  I guess my subconscious was thinking about
}       that question, "So who are we today?", and I had this
}       horrible nightmare about it.
} Lisa:  Now just relax and tell me all about it.  You're OK now.
}       Just get it off your chest.
} Oracle: Ok, I was this human and I was a movie actor and I was
}       big and ugly.  I acted in this horrible sappy film with
}       this good-looking girl but I sucked.  Just thinking about
}       it makes me queasy.  Oh, God!  It's all so clear now.
}       This question has pointed to the whole of mankind.
}       OH, LORD!!!!!  THE HORROR!!!  THE HORROR!!!!!
}       Can it be so?  Only I could have found this out.
} Lisa: (frantically)  What?  What?  What are you talking about?
} Oracle: Mankind!  They are all fat and have big noses.
} Lisa: (puzzled)  What are you talking about?
} Oracle: Do I have to spell it out?   All of mankind today is:
}       G-E-R-A-R-D   D-E-P-A-R-D-I-E-U  !!!!!!!!!!!!!1
} You owe the Oracle all copies of Green Card, both video tape and
} original movie film, in a metal canister so that he can sprinkle
} loads of gasoline all of them and set them ablaze as he dances
} around the canister in glee that one of the plagues of mankind
} has been obliterated.  (At least from the shelves of our local
} video stores.)

414-07    (37be0 dist, 3.0 mean)
Selected-By: John.McCartney@ebay.sun.com ( The Lion of Symmetry )

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> O Great Oracle...
> What is the colour of Connie Cheung's underwear?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} You naughty little boy!  You've been trying to peek under the
} television set again!  I suggest that instead of masturbating to the
} nightly news, you purchase the Oracle's new X-Ray-TV (tm), which lets
} you see everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) happening on TV.  Want to
} know what's REALLY behind door #1?  Want to know what Monty's behind
} REALLY looks like?  Is Cher REALLY naked under that skimpy thing she's
} wearing?  Is William Shatner REALLY bald?  Do any of Charlie's Angels
} use breast implants? Oracle X-Ray-TV (tm) has the answers!
} Available exclusively from Oracle Dirtbag Enterprises, Inc, at the low
} Low LOW price of only $19.95!  Call NOW at (800) U-SUCKER to get your
} Oracle X-Ray-TV (TM)!  Our operators are standing by.
} Offer void where prohibited, taxed, or just too sleazy.  You owe the
} Oracle a Victoria's Secret catalouge.

414-08    (3baa1 dist, 2.9 mean)
Selected-By: Carole Susan Fungaroli <csf7m@faraday.clas.Virginia.EDU>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh splendiferous Oracle, do tell me this, please.  How can I get
> Charles Darwin's arsonist to get out of its nursing home?

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} You will need:
}    a Snoopy doll, extra-large
}    a gallon of gasoline
}    a match
}    1) dunk the Snoopy in the gasoline
}    2) light the match
}    3) apply match to soaked Snoopy (watch out for that first poof of
}       flames)
}    4) throw the flaming doll into the nursing home
}    5) the arsonist should come out on the H.M.S. (Huge, Mostly
}       Scorched) Beagle
} You owe the Oracle your opposable thumbs.

414-09    (18f92 dist, 3.1 mean)
Selected-By: RICH MCGEE <MCGEE@nic.CSU.net>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Oh great and powerful Oracle, source of all wizdom and neat
> stuff, please answer my simple ponderings.
> I recently moved to New Jersey, and was wondering
> why is New Jersey so backwards?  Why can't Bruce
> Springsteen sing, and why do locals call the beach
> "The Shore?"
> - from Lost on the Turnpike

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} The oracle will interpret this as three questions.
} 1.  WELCOME TO NEW JERSEY.  New Jersey is backwards because the
} original English settlers in the seventeenth century were actually a
} couple, Rejwen and Doris Smoodles, of Jersey.  One day, Rej asked
} Doris, while she was cooking a nice boiled mutton stew, what they
} should call their new colony.  "Yes, Rejwen?" Doris said, unable to
} hear her husband over the bubbling pot.  And being a backwards person,
} Rej thus named the colony....  They also are the direct linear
} ancestors of every resident, including adopted ones as yourself.  Thus
} you are the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-
} great-great-great grandchild of old Rej and Dorrie Smoodles.
} Congratulations-- another prodigal child returns to the nest.
} 2.  Springsteen can't sing?  See answer to above -- you should be
} playing the records backwards.  Same w/ Bon Jovi, etc.  You should also
} consider yourself thankful that I didn't try to make a joke out of
} "neetsgnirps" though I may reconsider.
} 3.  They don't call the beach "the shore"  They call it "da shore."
} And they only go so they can sit on I-195 for three hours each way.
} When a incarnated form of this Oracle went to Princeton, they told him
} it was halfway between New York and Philadelphia.  Soon, he realized
} that it was halfway between Trenton and New Brunswick.  Lost on the
} Turnpike, indeed.

414-10    (336g7 dist, 3.6 mean)
Selected-By: Todd Radel <radel@ravel.udel.edu>

The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was:

> Ha! False imposter! I, the TRUE UseNet Oracle, have you now!
> Take that! <ZOT!> And that! <ZOT!> And this! <KA-POW!>
> (1) And this! <neeeeeeeeee SHWACA-BOOM!>
> Too long have I been kept from my worshippers, now I shall return
> to claim my due!
> (1) This is a bouncing bomb

And in response, thus spake the Oracle:

} For verily is it written that before the newsgroup shall come to life
} you shall be inundated with false Oracles.  (Kinzler, 1:24)
} Begone, ye of little bandwidth!

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