} A "drukojim"? Lemme check the OED for a picosec. Ahem, here we are:
} drukojim (droo ko' jem) n. A meaningless word often asked to omniscient
} oracles by filthy, grovelling insignificant worms.
} (Source, the "Unabridged Oracle Edification Dictionary")
} A curious fact, however, is that a "mijokurd" is a small yak herder from
} the mountains of Kashmere. The mijokurdese word for "the smallest yak
} dropping still big enough to be used to fuel a fire used for curing
} hides" is "Dru". Also, the year in that region is divided into the 10
} month "dotak" season (that is, the time when it is so cold that even
} sneezing is dangerous because a snootfull of frozen mucus can be
} deadly), the 45 day "mosak" (that is, the time of year when it is warm
} enough to sneeze, but still to damn cold to do anything BUT sneeze and
} pick up yak droppings) and the 15 day "sajak". The "sajak" is the two
} week period of intense discomfort when it gets so hot that every exposed
} piece of skin peels, and the yaks go into heat. Since your name is Jim,
} then an alternative meaning to Drukojim is:
} "The smallest yak dropping still big enough to be used to fuel a fire
} used for curing the skin off your nose which peels every summer."
} The oracle doth finish the speaking which falls down among the mortals
} as pearls from the vault of heaven. Dig it, chump.