} Well Debbie, let's see...
} Ah, Debbie, I'm sure this must be a mistake but I can't find you on
} anyone's wish list... Hang on, I'll pull the records and see what's
} going on here.
} Ok, here we go. Let's see... you did Dallas, Denver, both Dakotas...
} This is most unusual, it says here you made LOTS of personal contacts
} on these trips...
} Oh. Ok. Here we go. This explains it.
} Ah, Debbie, remember when you did Disney? Geez, look at these
} pictures!! I didn't know mice could do that! Oh, sorry. Anyway, after
} you left, Sneezy was feeling a bit down and went to see the Doctor.
} Well, it turns out that his recurring cold was only a symptom of a much
} worse problem. It looks like he got it from Snow White, that coma she
} was in DID NOT originate from any apple (unless you count the one that
} Eve munched on).
} Well, the bottom line is, Sneezy talked.
} Yeah, under advise of his physician, he notified all of his partners,
} past and present, except you. He couldn't find you. Yeah, here it
} is... you were off doing Denmark when he was trying. Well, since he
} couldn't find you, and given your "social" skills, his physician
} decided to notify the the planet. I don't understand why I didn't hear
} about this. I must have been out for a few days.
} Wait a minute. What's the date on this?
} Oh shit.
} DAMN IT DEBBIE!!! This is dated before you did the the Derby!! _I_
} was the head jockey!! Oh man, what am I going to tell Lisa? I'm in
} deep shit. I'll _never_ hear the end of this! Oh, the curse of
} immorality, I mean immortality...
} You owe the Oracle a believable explanation, a grovel I can use with
} Lisa and the profits made by Burroughs Wellcome for the next ten years.