> You great Oracle,
> the greatest of all the Oracles,
> the only Oracle who is a real Oracle,
> the only Oracle who is called the Usenet Oracle,
> the only Oracle who possesses Lisa,
> the Oracle whom Lisa calls Orie,
> the Oracle whom supplicants grovel,
> the Oracle whom supplicants ask questions,
> the Oracle who lives in, but not limited to, cs.indiana.edu,
> moose.cs.indiana.edu and my mbox,
> the Oracle who knows the answer to all the questions the Lord has ever
> created,
> the Oracle who knows how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a
> woodchuck could chuck wood,
> the Oracle who knows how much chalk would a woodchuck chuck if a
> woodchuck could chuck chalk,
> the Oracle who requires an answer to a question for the payment,
> the Oracle who sometimes doesn't require an answer to a question for
> the payment,
> the Oracle who asks the supplicants other supplicants' questions,
> the Oracle who doesn't care whom to zot, whom not to zot,
> the Oracle who does not put _zot in every commercial library,
> the Oracle who zots Thor,
> the Oracle who reads 69 pages in 42 seconds,
> the Oracle who created the x_Oracle, which is the X Windows Oracle (tm),
> the Oracle who rescues a man whose head is wedged into his asshole,
> the Oracle who is wider than The Niagara Falls,
> the Oracle who is higher than the Everest,
> the Oracle who is Thicker Than A Brick (not Thick As A Brick (remember?
> Jethro Tull?)),
> the Oracle who
> the Oracle who
> t h e O r a c l e w h o
> t h e O r a c l e w h o
> I/O error during x_cdplayer: C D P l a y e r
> s l o w i n g d o w n
> Fatal Error: Power shutdowm. Replay of the requested CD "grovel"
> suspended. Job summary:
> Percentage played: 90%
> Percentage remained: 90%
> Percentage lost during shutdown period: 90%
> Supplicant zotted
> Lisa slept
> Question ignored
> Chapter 69 finished
> Current page number: 121
> CPU cycles: 42
> Recommendation: Since question is ignored, it is not possible to ask
> the question.
> Suggestions: Since 90% of the CD is already played, it seems reasonable
> to ask the question.
> NOTE: Since the Usenet Oracle requires an answer to the question, it
> might be risky to ask the question.
> Theorem: Every question has an answer which the Usenet Oracle knows.
> Proof: There is no proof. The theorem is wrong.
> Fatal Error: Proof is anti-Oracle.
> Auto explode-zot activated.
> Checking alert zot machines ... Done. Alert zot machines
> ready.
> Alert zot machine number 69-42-121 assigned to the project.
> Auto lock radar feature enabled.
> Target set to zottable proud lousy arrogant humble unworthy
> supplicant.
> Zot machine aimed at the target.
> Zot level set to explosive.
> Final check ... Done.
> Zot machine fired.
> Waiting for the target to be zotted ... ^C
> (sigh)
> Dear Sir Oracle Version 1.0 (tm),
> Sorry for my incomplete grovel. I was about to run the HELP
> Software (tm) I was developing but I came across the following
> error messages:
> C:\>HELP
> - Stupid untrapped tickling encountered in high byte address stack
> while formatting output buffer overload concept.
> - Taken into account Standard Input/Output handles established prior to
> overemphasized output deficiency occupation of external memory bank
> identifier.
> - Result summary:
> - Job cancelled.
> - Illegal object file linked.
> - Shell identifiers set identical to I/O channel expansion slot
> pin 9 (Decimal Input/Output Acknowledge Identification Register).
> - CPU set to Digital Coded Occupation of Memory Contents Buffering
> mode of operation cancelling.
> - All files deleted.
> C:\>_
> So, what would you suggest?