} Most FRIGID? I hardly consider that GROVELING!!! However, I am charmed
} by your naiveity, and will thus answer your question anyway...
} As you know, the wind chill factor was discovered accidentally by
} Doctors Robert Chill and Emma Wind. The two were standing in 30 degree
} weather in a 40mph gust, and Dr. Chill asked "Do you think we'd be less
} cold if the wind wasn't blowing so hard", to which the insightful Dr.
} Wind replied, "Shut up, you idiot."
} Through the years, the two doctors stood outside in a variety of winds
} and tempratures, and came up with the "wind chill factor chart", which
} is now found in all of your finer gas stations, and which is also used
} by all those sophisticated meteorologists on the local news-- they
} figure if they can tell you more about the weather RIGHT NOW (
} Anchorperson: Well, Bill, what are the conditions like outside right
} now?
} Fun Weatherperson Bill: As anyone could see by looking out the
} windows, its sunny and warm... [pauses
} for a moment]... oops, that was the cue
} card for this AFTERNOON's newscast..
} Right now, its cold and dark.. I think..
} This is the 11 'o' clock edition, right?
} Obligatory Female Co-anchor: Ha-ha (enigmatic laugh). Say, Bill, do you
} have any boring statistics that our viewers
} don't need or want, since many of them
} won't even be going anywhere until tommorow
} morning?
} Fun Weatherperson Bill: Sure! The relative humidity is 32.61%, the wind
} is blowing at 25.01 miles per hour from the
} south, the temprature is 36 degrees and the wind
} chill factor is a brisk [enigmatic smile] 25
} below zero... So, bundle up [stupid chuckle]
} Anchorperson: Ha-ha... Now, how about tommorow's forecast?
} Fun Weatherperson Bill: Ummmm.... beats me.
} )-- if they give you this much info about the weather RIGHT NOW, they
} certainly shouldn't be required to predict it!
} Now, you may wonder how Drs. Chill and Wind compiled this chart. It
} was done through an extremely scientific process, which has been
} followed by scientists through the years....
} Dr. Chill: OK, what is the temprature and wind now?
} Dr. Wind: Its 40 degrees and the wind is at 25 miles per hour.
} Dr. Chill: BRRRRRR! OK, I say it feels like about 25 degrees.
} Dr. Wind: You already said that for 40 degrees and 20 miles per hour.
} Dr. Chill: OK, OK.. make it 20 degrees.
} Dr. Wind (writing it down): OK.. let's do 30 miles per hour...
} You may be wondering what all this has to do with your question...
} (come to think of it, so am I... oh, yeah)-- Like the famour Drs., you,
} too, must conduct this as an experiment....
} First of all, find a nice 0 Kelvin environment with a brisk wind...
} Then, report back to the Oracle for further instructions.