} Well now, there are several requirements to be passed in order to
} attempt such a action. First, if it not your penis you intend to use,
} you need to get permission from the owner of said penis, form
} 36543-1234/p. Second, since Queen Victoria happens to be dead, you will
} your basic exhumation(sp?) form 383982/72392-UK. Now, assuming you have
} gotten permission to use above said penis and have dug up ole' Vicky,
} you will have to fill out an experimental use of public/private property
} form #42356/23/3. Finally, if you are conducting this act a private
} citizen, then you will need a experimentation permit, #46544(make sure
} to substitute the word lab with graveyard, bedroom, or where ever happen
} to be doing this act). All of these form, in sectetriplicate(sp?), need
} to be on my desk on or before the fifth day preceding said act. Oh BTW,
} if someone else is going to see you do this, you will also need a
} performers license, unless he is assisting you(such as holding the
} corpse still).
} You owe the Oracle 8 x 10 glossies of a film or video tape of the event.