} Hey this is NOT FAIR. The description said that any physics questions
} people would ask me would be MULTIPLE CHOICE. All I would have to do
} then would be to put it in a box, with a cat holding a pen. (It would
} have to be a box which would be sealed from my omniscience.) The cat
} would then mark an X onto one of the 4 possible answers. When I then
} open the box, by doing so I observe the quantum state of the contents,
} thus altering the state vector and instantly creating 4 parallel
} universes, which in one of them the cat will have answered the question
} correctly and I could claim that the question was so easy my cat
} answered it.
} But alas. I'm stuck with your question. Let's see now. Force. The
} Force is very powerful. The force flows in and around us. It is
} created by the life which surrounds us. But beware of the dark side.
} Richter was a Dark Jedi Master, so the force required for an earthquake
} of magnitude 7 on the guy's scale would be (thanks to a well thought
} out 1:1 metric system) the same force required to light 7 green
} lightsabers.
} Lisa, my blonde girlfriend, wants to answer the second part of your
} question. She says "Since an earthquake makes things stop, and RED is
} stop, green is go, and due to the conservation of energy theorem,
} the energy dissipated is equal to -7 green lightsabers, OR, 7 red ones.
} You owe the Oracle a hair dying kit for Lisa.