> Oh Majestic and Glorious Oracle, please help me in my pitiful need.
> Every night for the last week I've been plagued by a recurring dream.
> Slowly I drift off to sleep, then sometime during the night the
> dream begins.
> "Honey," she says softly breathing in my ear, "Orrie dear, get up.
> Its Lisa. I need you."
> "Huh?" I answer sleepily. "OUCH! Hey, watch what you're doing with
> that spatula!"
> Lisa giggles monstrously. "Hurry dear, hurry, hurry, hurry! Run
> pumpkin run!"
> I find myself running with abandon round and round the bedroom with
> Lisa chasing, teasing, and giggling behind, swiping at me with sharp
> cat claws.
> "Do as I do, do as I do, do as I do." She shouts rapidly.
> "Oh my God!" I shout as she contorts herself lasciviously in ways no
> human body should. Mercilessly compelled to follow I am twisted
> accordingly.
> "Quick, get the lipstick and Vaseline. Get it, get it, get it my
> sweet baby." Lisa swoons, groaning and rolling on the floor, her eyes
> jealously watching my every move. "Take the lipstick, there you are
> tiger, do the lipstick baby, do it, do it, do it...Ohhhhhhh. No, on
> the mirror dear. Do it on the mirror. The MIRROR!"
> "That's disgusting!" I shout. I run from the room in terror, and am
> chased out of the house and through the neighborhood by vicious hounds
> with gruesome, twisted, blood-red faces of Lisa snapping at my feet.
> I awaken in a sweat, horrified, my bed in a shambles. Help me Oracle.
> What must I do to free myself of this recurring nightmare.