} x2343271@apollo.montclair.edu, I hear you.
} Montclair is nowhere near me.
} x2343271@apollo.montclair.edu, I see you,
} And it would sure be nice if you could fix your .sig file.
} You owe the oracle the latest release from "They Might be Giants."
} Note to the priesthood: You'll probably have to edit out all the
} references to x2343271@apollo.montclair.edu, so that the supplicant's
} anonynimity is not compromised. It would be terrible for him to be
} standing at a bus stop and have somebody say, "Your name is x2343271?
} Why, I'm your biggest fan! May I rip your shirt off?"
} Note to the readers: Now, wasn't that funny? Show your support of
} this fine oracularity by voting it a five! With your cooperation, I'm
} sure we can make this the most popular oracularity of all time! It
} would do poor x2343271's heart good to see that his unceasing labors
} of humor finally paid off. Remember how you felt back in the days
} when you still had .sig files! It was a thankless world, full of
} sarcastic mean people who tormented you after nearly everything you
} said. Incarnations would spend more time laughing about your .sig
} file than actually answering your valid and important questions. So
} do x2343271 a favor, and give this oracularity a firm 5! May we
} count on you?