} Well, son, women are fundamentally different from us men. It's futile
} trying to understand them - the differences are biological and innate.
} A woman will never appreciate how totally hilarious the Three Stooges
} are, or why tofu is unfit for human consumption, or what the blue line
} in hockey is for (though, just between us, the Oracle has always had
} trouble with this too). How could we really understand someone with the
} ability to remember where the packing tape is stored, 5 years after it
} was put away? (Men actually have abilities like this in latent form,
} but they are suppressed by testosterone poisoning). So give it up.
} By the way, son, be careful about these questions. It's only luck the
} Oracle caught this before Mrs. Oracle had time to open the E-mail. If
} she sees this, your female acquaintances would hear about it fast.