} The Dead Sea scrolls were written a long time ago;
} "... and all our yesterdays light fools the way to dusty decks",
} as I once said to Bill Shakespeare.
} The Dead Sea Scrolls are written in a dead language, of course.
} "And what language is that?" you ask; well,
} Dead C, of course.
} Squiggly brackets opened at the end of lines; no comments; a
} variable called "i" in every function: dead C, pure and simple.
} Highlights, you want? You'll get none from me. It was too long ago
} and too far away that I wrote that stuff, and it brings back bad
} memories. Core memories; not ferromagnetic core, but apple core.
} We had an apple for each bit, turned right-side up for ON, and
} upside-down for OFF; and human slaves to go around setting the bits.
} One clumsy slave invented trinary logic -- ah, humans and their
} accidents with apples!
} Highlights, indeed! You know, I had to write that stuff with a
} monochrome terminal; to get decent resolution, I had to gather
} hundreds of thousands of humans in a field near Mount Olympus, and
} provide them with colored banners -- and the response time! -- I
} would look down from the clouds, see what I had typed, hit a few
} keys, the priests would send runners out, and after a *long* while,
} there it would be. And you wouldn't believe how the screen flickered
} when the wind blew up!
} You owe the Oracle a computer built around the Intel(tm) Sexium(tm)
} chip, and a Satisfaxion(tm) modem.