> Lo! Behold the might of the Oracle! With His grace, we live, without
> it we wither to dust. Oh ever-so-mighty Oracle, please find it in
> your heart to ponder on this small matter.
> Today, as I left my home, a black snake raised its head
> in my path and hissed : "Do not believe the priests of
> B'Haarne - they are acting on behalf of Dark Forces"
> Shocked, I opened my car door and found a note on the
> drivers seat, saying 'For a good time, call Barnii'.
> Even more confused, I drove off to school, only to find
> that half my class had turned into mindless zombies,
> whereas for instance my religions teacher was dressed
> in a black robe, clutching a necked hen in one hand and
> a Bible in the other. The Bible was soaked in something
> green and turned upside-down. Also, my english teacher
> made proposals to me during class, promising me eternal
> life and powers beyond belief if I would take her for my bride.
> As I made my way back from school, through the ranks of
> goblins and orcs previously not there, I could not help
> but wondering if something by chance was wrong. I called the
> police but since the only thing I could hear was screams,
> some sort of howling and gunfire, I decided to ask you,
> oh Mighty Oracle. Could you please fill me out on this one?