> Dear Oracle,
> You are never tired nor poor nor hungry;
> Your huddled mass always breathes free.
> It's boring standing here all day holding up this torch.
> And it's been lonely -- until recently.
> Was I ever surprised when Jolly snuck up behind me (from New Jersey;
> you'd turn your back on it, too, if you had to stand here) and
> goosed me!
> I was a bit offended at first; I'm an old-fashioned girl, after all.
> But then I realized that was just Jolly's way of doing things.
> He's so exuberant! Tres charmant! And so green!
> The other night when nobody was watching, I sneaked off to join him
> in his Valley. While I was there, I found this email, so I know that
> it is You whom I must thank:
> | The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply.
> | Your question was:
> | > # # ###
> | > # # #### # # #### # # #### ###
> | > # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> | > ####### # # ###### # # ###### # # #
> | > # # # # # # # # # # # #
> | > # # # # # # # # # # # # ###
> | > # # #### # # #### # # #### ###
> | > Hey Orrie!
> | > How is weather up on mountain yours?
> | > Down here in valley of Jolly, not so jolly.
> | > Need woman! Jolly is lonely.
> | > Need big woman! Giant like Jolly!
> | > Green one like Jolly is good, but Jolly is big, not bigot!
> | > You tell Jolly how to find woman, I give you lots of succotash.
> | > You lie in it with Lisa, warm and gooey!
> | And in response, thus spake the Oracle:
> | } Well, Jolly, you are RATHER large.
> | } To find such a large woman, the only one I could think of is
> | } the Statue of Liberty -- and she's green, too.
> So, thank you, dear Oracle, merci beaucoup merci mille fois!
> Merci a vous que j'ai trouve' l'amour!
> La plume de ma tante e' sur la table!
> But now I have a problem, and I need your help!
> Earlier tonight, I went off with Jolly again and we went
> skinny-dipping in the Gulf of Mexico. The water is warm, and it is a
> convenient size for us. What fun it was! But --
> When I got out, I discovered somebody had stolen my robe!
> Oh, Oracle, it's almost dawn! What shall I do?
> Mlle. Liberte'