} Well, it's good to see that your software company has finally decided
} to seek expert help. It certainly is a tough slog competing against
} a company that doesn't even charge for its products.
} But I'm left wondering, "Is a guy with a PhD in Computer Science
} _really_ the best man for a mentor?"
} I guess there will always be the "Brains are best" mentality when it
} comes to software development, but is that really the way to go? I
} think that OS/2 has clearly shown us that your average punter doesn't
} give a stuff about asynchronous multiprocessing, and object oriented
} design, but just wants to know "Will I feel superior to all those
} deluded Macintosh users if I buy this product?"
} Yes, my answer to you is "Marketing, marketing, marketing!" When you
} guys finally get your "Wordstar for Programmers" onto the market, you
} want to hear "Here, take my $2000, I just want a copy!" rather than
} "Yes, I must say, I find this hypertext help system most intuitive!"
} As for your doctor, sack the geek. How is "Are you annoyed that
} Stallman is vivid?" going to get you your first million, let alone your
} second? What you want to be hearing from your mentor is "That guy is
} dirt, you hear, DIRT! And I don't want to hear that kind of language
} used in this office EVER again, understand? This product is going to be
} _so_ successful that people are going to be saying 'Richard who?' Our
} subliminal marketing campaign is in full swing as of today, and soon we
} will grind that guy right back into the crud that he crawled out of.
} Got it!"
} Of course, even if you take my advice, you are doomed to failure. You
} think you are going to get anywhere in this world without a decent
} grovel? Not likely matey!
} You owe the Oracle the movie rights to the accidental demolition of
} your building next week.