} Excerpted from _Dyinaddicts_, the #1 self-hell bestseller by
} L. Wrong Hubbard:
} Chapter 64: Why Do My Friends Keep Abusing My Good Nature?
} If you find yourself asking this question over and over,
} you have what is referred to in the industry as malamigosis
} (literally, an inflammation of bad friends). The symptoms
} may vary, but the cause of the problem is always(*) the
} same: Your friends are doing far more drugs than you are.
} They are dying addicts. As they march down the road toward
} the Last High (see Ch. 97: Preparing For The Last High),
} they become more and more needy, and less able to give
} anything in return (see Ch. 66: Giving Less, Taking More).
} What you need to do is learn to make yourself miserable
} without the help of your friends (see the Forward: History
} Of The Self-Hell Book) -- after all, they will soon be gone.
} ********************Message interrupted by Oracle***************
} Sorry, wrong book. Try this one:
} Excerpted from _I'm Okie, You're Okie_:
} Chapter 17: Win yer friends don't have no common
} courtesy no more.
} Have y'ever noticed that, win yer sippin' limmunade (er swill,
} fer all that matters) on yer porch on a sunny day, an' Rex
} (er Flash, er Cujo -- it don' matter -- I'm talkin' 'bout
} yer dawg) is right there at yer feet (just whur any good dawg
} would be, if it has any learnin'), an' you ain't worryin' 'bout
} nuthin (not even squarshin' yer dawg's tail with the rockin'
} chair -- 'cause he's learnt better, by now), but just settin'
} in the chair with no worries, and then here come ol' Chuck
} (er Billy, er Jed -- it don' matter -- I'm talkin' 'bout yer
} neighbor), just a gawkin' at yer tin shed out back, like nobody
} **************SENTENCE TIMED OUT BY FOREIGN HOST********************
} Oh nevermind, I'll answer it myself:
} It is because your Bad Nature is much more difficult to abuse.
} ------
} You owe the Oracle a rusted old Pontiac
} with 10 kilos in the trunk.