} There are a few answers to this seemingly simple, though complexily
} phrased, question.
} One is that, through a momentary disturbance on the time-space continuum
} caused by a belch from Demogorgon, you were projected foreward through
} time, and thus have a few classes to make up.
} Another is that someone set your clock ahead. It's actually 10 pm, and
} time to sleep.
} A third possibility, contingent on not getting very much sleep, is that
} you misread the clock, which ACTUALLY says NINE thirty. Go to sleep.
} The fourth possibility, which any true disciple of the Oracle would have
} discarded without a thought, is that you didn't go to sleep. Since time,
} as a general rule, moves foreward, and at a constant rate, time
} progressed to 5:30. Fool.
} You owe the Oracle your right testicle for being such a ninny.
} The Oracle has spoken.