} First of all, let's get this straight: it's not an effect.
} Transporters, phasers, light sabers -- those are effects. Greenhouses
} don't have to be faked up by Industrial Light and Magic; they actually
} work.
} So, anyway, it's like this: for all kinds of technical reasons, many
} plants have a short growing season, due to some way-too-fussy
} temperature requirements. (No, I won't get into *that* now. Send in
} another question if you're really interested.) One winter day, the
} Oracle was sitting around and got an urge for strawberries. Do you
} know what it's like to get strawberries in the middle of winter? In
} Indiana?
} The Oracle looked into regular jet shipments from Southern California,
} but decided that the environmental toll was *way* out of line just for
} strawberries. Caviar, maybe, but not strawberries. Putting together a
} greenhouse seemed like a much more, you know, Green solution.
} Once the first greenhouse was set up, word got out, and now we have all
} kinds of plants growing at the wrong time of year.
} Next time around, I'll have roses peak in mid-February. That'll get
} those florists back for their profiteering!
} You owe the Oracle a quart of strawberries, a magnum of Champagne, and
} twelve hours with Julia Roberts.