} To answer this question, which really has a simple answer, one must
} first look at the society that would place a ban on, well, anything. To
} begin with, the first question to ask is: Exactly who is it that places
} bans on, well, anything?
} The answer is, of course, A)the religious right, B)Politicians. In both
} of these cases, the people are usually not the brightest and the best
} that society has to offer. In fact, overwhelming numbers of these
} people are soooo stupid that they have in fact become lawyers.
} If these very people were to place a ban on Numerical Analysis
} tremendous numbers of hyper-intelligent poeple (Not white mice) would
} be unable to become engineers and satisfy their desire to design
} products for other people to break. The next question is, what would
} all of these would-be engineers do with their time? Well, for the most
} part they would be content roaming the Internet, drinking cheap beer,
} eating Pop-Tarts, and having sex. All of which would greatly offend the
} A)Religious Right, and B)Politicians.
} Some of these would-be engineers however would not be content with such
} a life, and would, in fact, take out their frustrations by purchasing
} untracable banned assault weapons from 14 year old gang members and
} travel to Washington. Soon, because these would-be engineers are smart
} (and would not get caught, there would be a spree of death not seen
} since the Inquisition.
} With ALL seats free in both the House and Senate, these would-be
} engineers would be guaranteed a coup.
} Just where do YOU think the country would be if intelligent people were
} running it? I shudder to even think!
} You owe the Oracle 2 books on Error Correction Codes.