} And it came to pass, that a group of wise men gathered in the
} wilderness to consult the prophet. And it was decided that a great
} feast should be prepared to celebrate the occasion.
} Unto the Accountant they prophet sayeth
} 'Take this bag of silver, and go unto the village to purchase
} grapes'
} Unto the Biochemist the prophet sayeth
} 'Take the grapes, and make us wine for the feast'
} Unto the Oceanographer the prophet sayeth
} 'Go forth unto the ocean, and gather us some fishes for the feast'
} Unto the Botanist, the prophet sayeth
} 'Go forth unto the fields, and gather us grains for the feast'
} Unto the Nutritionist, the prophet sayeth
} 'Take the grains, and make us bread for the feast.
} Unto the Geophysicist the prophet sayeth
} 'For you who is wise in the ways of the earth I have the most
} Important job of all'
} And it came to pass, that a great feast was held in the
} Wilderness, a multitude of fishes, and a mountain of bread was
} eaten, and an ocean of wine drunk.
} And after the feast, everyone commented on the excellent latrine
} pits.
} << The Prophet, incarnated as The Famous Druid
} druid@stonehenge.win-uk.net >>