} Forget about astrology, who really believes in ASTRONOMY? I mean, MAYBE
} you can believe that the universe (that's EVERYTHING you can think of,
} and more) was once the size of an atom, but some of the other stuff, I
} mean c'mon! How gullible do they think we are?
} Like that you-can't-go-faster-than-the-speed-of-light stuff. Please. If
} you're travelling at the speed of light, JUST GO FASTER. It's not hard.
} And what about those black holes? They're like, "Oh, there's these huge
} cool things called black holes!" "Well, show us one!" "Uh, we can't
} because, uh, no light can travel out of them, yeah, that's it!"
} Suuuure.
} And every time they give a number it's always "This star is 100 billion
} miles away" "This galaxy is 2000 billion trillion miles away." You KNOW
} they're just making those numbers up.
} Of course, as an omniscient being, I know what's REALLY out there, so I
} should consider all this funny. But everyone ACTUALLY BELIEVES it! And
} the astronomers don't give any evidence for what they say--oh sure,
} they'll show some fuzzy picture of a star and say, "oh, look a quasar!"
} and everyone says "oh, yes, I SEE it!" What a joke. You should see
} astronomers when they get together. They laugh and laugh!
} Oh, I guess I haven't actually answered your question. Well, don't
} worry. I just read your horoscope and it says "All questions will be
} answered soon."
} You owe the Oracle billions and billions of grovels.