} Supplicant who aspires to be undead,
} At first when I read your question, I thought you were asking for
} financial advice, until I realized, based on your foreign accent,
} that you actually want to become a *lich*. I assume you've already
} read up and know that a lich is the animated remains of a powerful
} warlock or cleric. But, unfortunately, you are neither of those.
} So, to become a lich, you would have to train for many years in
} these dark arts, before you could learn the skills to preserve
} your remains and haunt your domain for the years after death.
} The problem, of course, is that the arts of sorcery were lost 634
} years ago (The last known sorceress was burned in Surrey in 1361
} after turning one too many a peasant into a newt, and was unable
} to progress to the final stages). And the clerics of the major
} world religions have completely purged the dark arts from their
} repertoire.
} So, barring your discovery, through extensive research in rare
} document libraries and ancient monastic tombs, written records
} of the correct methods (yes, *documents* detailing the dark arts
} still remain, but your probability of finding them is approxi-
} mately 0.0000624), I'm sorry to say the answer is no, you cannot
} become a lich.
} Sorry to disappoint you. Nevertheless, you owe the Oracle a
} +5 mana staff of woodchuck smiting.