} The Coyote/Roadrunner is a metaphor for the human condition. In this
} series, the Coyote represents the ego, where the Roadrunner represents
} the id. The series poigniantly describes the never-ending internal
} struggle between these two aspects of everyone's personality.
} As with any struggle, if the two sides are not evenly matched, it will
} end soon. Not good for ratings. Also not good for a personality - if
} someone is all ego, they are really unbearable. Same for id.
} So, while it is entertaining to watch the antics of the egomaniac
} Coyote, and the free-running, no-cares roadrunner, one must keep in
} mind the ideological...
} <Hold it....Net Police!>
} Excuse ME, I am giving a lecture. My office hours are posted.
} <Look, pal, I couldn't care less about office hours. We need to talk.>
} OK, ok, um, Class? Take a 15 minute break, and return with a treatise
} on the...
} <NO, just dismiss them. We have a lot of talking to do.>
} Right. Class, you're dismissed, but return tomorrow with a 500 word
} essay on the juxtapositions of id and ego, with a counter....
} <NO. Tell them to have a good time.>
} Um...
} <DO IT!!!>
} Class, have a good time, see you tomorrow.
} <OK, that's better. Now, what the hell do you think you're doing?>
} Well, I was asked a question about the Coyote and Roadrunner, which I
} saw was clearly a metaphor for the human condition of....
} <Yeah, we heard all that crap. You educrats are all the same; someone
} asks a simple question about a CARTOON, fer cryin out loud, and you
} have to make some Jungian analysis...>
} No, this was BF Skinner
} <...from what is basically a question about entertainment. I don't
} care if it's BF Goodrich, it's irrelevent to the question asked. This
} guy wants to know about big rubber bands, rockets, roller skates, fake
} tunnels painted on rock walls, and pianos that explode when you play a
} high 'b'.>
} As I said, it's a metaphor for the constant struggle between the
} aspects of the...
} <You don't KNOW, do you.>
} What? Of course I know, if only you'd listen.
} <No, you really don't know. You're just bluffing, I bet you never have
} even SEEN the show.>
} I'll have you know, I most certainly have! Why just last year, at the
} Freud festival in Toledo, I went to a seminar discussing the
} psychological meanings inherent in the symbiology. They even showed a
} clip. It was dumb, ignoring all laws of physics. This canine ran out
} over the edge of a cliff, and continued running until he looked down,
} when he fell. This is obviously not possible.
} <I think we have identified the problem here. Aside from being a
} pompous ass, you have no sense of humor, do you.>
} I minored in comparitive humor, and have published papers on the 7
} major genres of comedy. The interactions are, I must say, quite
} interesting.
} <Yes, but you don't UNDERSTAND it. It is for fun, for enjoyment. A
} belly laugh. Rolling on the floor laughing your ass off. A nice
} chuckle. A glimmer of self-recognition.>
} But....the metaphor!
} <Right, that will be all. We are placing you under arrest.>
} What's the charge?
} <No sense of humor, felonious assault of sensibilities, and misdemeanor
} possession of a metaphor.>
} You owe the Oracle a burst bubble, and an Acme catalog and gift
} certificate.