} No, because, being infallible as I am, I never make such mistakes.
} *****************************************************************
} * /\/\/\/\ * Shrapnel P. Wuggermahugger *
} * | | * owner and manager of Shrapnel P. *
} * | 0 0 | Hey dood! * Wuggermahugger's Rack & Toenail Clipper*
} * | .. |/~~~ ~~~~~ * Emporium *
} * | __ | * 2830 Krtchnblonsky Street *
} * \____/ * Shnooksville, KY 12345 *
} * |____| * shrapnel@tricounty.net *
} *****************************************************************
} * VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: http://www.tricounty.net/~shrapnel/racks. *
} * html *
} * Order the BEST racks and toenail clippers online! *
} *****************************************************************
} * "Oh cheesecake, o sponge, o mottled sinner, in which mental *
} * hemisphere do thy stinkweeds bloom? In inperturbable *
} * disappropriation of the burbling irrigation canal of destiny?"*
} * --Cranium *
} * poet laureate of the tri- *
} * county area *
} *****************************************************************
} * Ask me about COMPOSTNET BBS! The only BBS in the country *
} * devoted exclusively to compost and compost-related issues! *
} *****************************************************************
} * Fight censorship and governmental restriction of the internet!*
} * Write your congressman TODAY to protest the Exon Bill, the *
} * Clipper Chip, and the FCC Modem Tax! *
} *****************************************************************
} * The opinions expressed here my own only, not the opinions of *
} * my employer, access provider, software company, hardware *
} * company, spouse, children, pets, or anybody else in the past, *
} * present, and future, including all alternate dimensions. *
} *****************************************************************
} * GEEK CODE: GRT w? U-- L? s-- E? e? S+ C? X- Y? Z? racks ++++ *
} *****************************************************************
} * Kibo * Canter & Siegel * GO MOOSES! * Xibo * The BOB (c) *
} *****************************************************************
} * Usenet Oracle Incarnation: send your burning questions to: *
} * oracle@cs.indiana.edu and maybe I'll answer! *
} *****************************************************************
} Posted from the Tri-County Freenet. Please report any abuses to
} postmaster@tricounty.net.
} JollyPost, ver. 3.5 (Unregistered copy)