} OK, piece of cake. Here's what you want to do.
} Go down to your local Byte Shop, CompUSA, Computer City, or whatever
} you have in your area. Tell them you want a ribbon for an Epson FX-80.
} I know, I KNOW, but trust me on this one, I'm trying to save you some
} money here.
} Get the ribbon back to your printer. Open up the toner cartridge, and
} the ribbon cartridge. While wearing your best clothes, swap the
} contents of one with the other. You see, the inside of your toner
} cartridge originally looked just like the stuff inside the Epson ribbon
} cartridge, but with use the fibers have broken down and it has become
} granular, or in severe cases, powdery. You need to restore these
} fibers into the toner cartridge, or it will need total replacement, and
} soon.
} So, dump out the old, granular contents of the toner cartridge. Don't
} worry about spillage, just dump it on your desk - it's good for the
} finish. Now, firmly grasp a section of the ribbon in the Epson
} cartridge, and pull it with great vigor and enthusiasm. The ribbon
} should easily seperate from the cartridge.
} At this point, trim the ribbon pack if it is too large to fit into the
} toner cartridge, using standard desk-grade scissors. Place the ribbon
} into the toner cartridge, and close the lid. An adhesive might be
} advisable at this point.
} Replace the toner cartridge into your printer at this point, and send
} the printer a document. You won't BELIEVE the change in performance!
} You owe the Oracle a fax/modem/copier/scanner. That does PostScript
} <tm>. In color.