} I think I know from where your problems stem.
} Would you, could you, RTFM?
} I would not, could not, RTFM
} I want *YOU* to solve my problem.
} Could you read the docs online?
} Would you read them any time?
} I would not read the docs online,
} Without them I can do just fine.
} Would you read a FAQ or HOWTO?
} Is this something you could do?
} I could not read a FAQ or HOWTO.
} Even the thought makes me spew.
} What could I suggest next?
} Would you read it in HyperText?
} I would not read help in hypertext,
} For the problem with which I am vexed.
} How about if you could read it through
} A conveniently placed system menu?
} I will not access help from a menu.
} That stuff is a bunch of ballyhoo!
} How much simpler could this be?
} Did you try the help hotkey?
} I'll try not a help hotkey,
} To that I will never agree!
} I would not, could not RTFM.
} I want *you* to solve my problem!
} Since you will not RTFM,
} You I must now condemn
} To a life without working software,
} And a constant feeling of despair.
} You owe the Oracle a book by Dr. Suess,
} Or maybe something by Mother Goose.