} Yes. I'm 6' 0", and I would acknowledge being inferior to you, except
} that I am the Oracle and you aren't, so nyaaaaaaaaaah nyaaaaaaaaaah,
} nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!
} Listen, sunshine. Short people start wars, scare animals, abuse
} children, smash windows, resist arrest, take drugs, spread AIDS, perform
} cruel experiments upon live animals, support the IRA, buy imported
} goods, draw social security, distribute buggy compilers, drive over
} hedgehogs, burn the cakes, forget the words to `God Save The Queen',
} listen to commercial radio loudly at 3 AM, borrow the books from the
} library that you want for your assignment, join the Labour Party, join
} the Conservative Party, support independence for Scotland, give their
} girlfriends cheap perfume, refuse their boyfriends intercourse, and
} generally make life for us normal people into an insufferable torture.
} I am NOT a shortophobe -- !BUT! -- Hitler was short, Mussolini was
} short, the people who invented BASIC were all short, the Viet Cong are
} short, the Irish are short, gypsies are short, homosexuals are all
} decidedly below average height, Lord Lucan is short, Ron Brown MP is
} short, Colonel Gaddafi is short, Ian Paisley is short, fleas are short,
} Ron Todd is short, rats are short, bacteria are microscopic, the
} striking ambulance workers are all short...what we need is the FINAL