> Yo Oracle!
> Vinnie the Squid was visiting with the Padrone yesterday with
> what appeared to be a terrible problem: he can no longer make
> the nut on his payoffs. I wasn't in the room, but the word
> on the street is that Vinnie was in a very bad way. The Padrone,
> seeing as Vinnie is married to his wife's cousin and the fact
> that Vinnie is a made man, was naturally very concerned for
> Vinnie.
> Now usually, a bookie can't make the nut, he's been giving bad
> odds or skimming too much and spending it on booze or drugs or,
> heaven forbid, he's got troubles collecting on his debts. These
> things happen sometimes and we know how to handle them. A few
> boys pay a call, and debts get paid. Likewise, if it's booze
> or drugs, the same boys pay a different kind of visit. Anyway,
> Vinnie's been bookmaking for something like 17 years and never
> had these kind of problems. Like I said, he's a made man and
> very respectful to the Padrone and the family.
> So naturally, the Padrone can't understand what the problem is.
> Well, it takes a while for the story to come out, but apparently
> Vinnie's been on the Internet of all things and is trying to
> expand his business. It all looks good for a couple of months until
> he starts getting the most amazing bets made by some guy called
> Orrie. 100 to 1 odds. 500 to 1 odds. Simply amazing bets.
> But you know, this Orrie guy, he knows his stuff. He always wins.
> And poor Vinnie, he tries to keep up with it for a while but he
> figures the guy's on a streak and he takes one last bet to try to
> catch up for all the payoff's he's been making.
> Well, you know the rest of the story. At any rate, it turns out
> the Padrone's connected, right? He's HEARD of this Orrie guy. It
> turns out he goes way back. He had some kind of scam going on in Italy
> a while back. Get this: the guy's omniscient. He KNOWS how the bets
> are gonna turn out BEFORE they happen.
> So, the Padrone, on the account of Vinnie being married to family
> and all, takes on the debt. Vinnie owes him a small favor but that's
> another story. The Padrone calls me into his office, explains the
> situation, and asks me personally to come talk to you.
> What it comes down to is that the Padrone would like you to forget
> about the money. It's a family thing. You do this favor for the
> Padrone and some day the Padrone does a favor for you. I'm sure
> an omniscient guy like you can understand.
> Whaddaya say?