} Good question, and it just so happens that I have a copy of the original
} budget request and approval notices as well as addenda:
} ========================================================================
} Date: October 16, 4.6 billion B.C.
} From: The Creator
} To: Office of Budgets and Financial Planning
} Subject: Creation (Budget Request #1A)
} This is in reference to the recent Creation meeting of July 3, 4.7
} billion B.C. in which the groundwork for a universe was discussed. Per
} your recommendation I am submitting the following budget for your
} consideration.
} (In thousands of $)
} Night and Day........................................1,575
} Heaven and Earth.....................................1,250
} Plants............................................... 500
} Animals that swim, walk and fly...................... 800
} Humans
} Man................................................ 200
} Woman.............................................. 200
} Intelligence....................................... 175
} Office equipment
} Copy machine....................................... 5
} IBM Selectric Typewriter........................... 1
} Miscellaneous...................................... 2
} Total................................................4,708
} I anticipate that this project should take 4 days to complete.
} Thank you and I await your reply.
} ========================================================================
} Date: January 23, 4.5 billion B.C.
} From: Office of Budgets and Financial Planning
} To: The Creator
} Subject: Budget Request #1A
} Your Budget for Creation has been approved in the amount of $4,632,000.
} We are cutting $75,000 off of the Human Intelligence line item and $1000
} off of Miscellaneous office supplies.
} This project is being funded for a period of 4 days.
} ========================================================================
} Date: June 12, 4.5 billion B.C.
} From: The Creator
} To: Office of Budgets and Financial Planning
} Subject: Budeget Request #1A: Addendum
} Due to a labor shortage (one of my archangels has left and taken many
} other workers with him to work on a competing project) I respectfully
} request an extension of 2 days.
} In addition I have experienced difficulties with the contrator hired for
} the Human Development program and have had to send out bids for another
} Human Development contractor. Therefore I am requesting an additional
} $95,000 for this project.
} ========================================================================
} Date: December 3, 4.5 billion B.C.
} From: Office of Budgets and Financial Planning
} To: The Creator
} Subject: Budget Request #1A: Addendum
} Project extension approved for 2 additional days. However we are unable
} for fulfill your additional budget request of $95,000.
} ========================================================================
} There's your answer. Oh, it turned out that the Creator petitioned for
} a Bond insuance which helped him to raise most of the $95,000 he needed.