} The prevalence of null questions in the Oracle's queues has
} remained unexplained since the dawn of Oracular studies. While
} underestimation of the intelligence of the average supplicant is
} indeed difficult, relatively few of them are actually entirely
} empty-headed, which makes the obervation that many Incarnations
} receive one or more null questions each week rather perplexing.
} We would like to propose a new hypothesis, which is that null
} questions arise from the mutual annihilation of question and
} anti-question within the queue. The question is replaced in
} the queue by the generated null, while the energy of the
} interaction is carried by a high-energy ZOTon which serves
} as an answer to the anti-question. The plausibility of this
} hypothesis is strengthened by the observed existence of anti-
} questions for many of the most frequently asked questions.
} For instance:
} Q+: How can I get her to notice me?
} Q-: How can I get him to leave me alone?
} Q+: Why can't we all just get along?
} Q-: I'm Joel Furr, and I'd like to tell you about something that
} really pisses me off.
} Q+: How can I make money fast?
} Q-: Why is Windows 95 so bad?
} Q+: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could
} chuck wood?
} Q-: How can I live a long and happy life?
} Q+: Prose is fine, but poetry is neater,
} I know how to rhyme, but I guess I could possibly use some
} help with my meter.
} Q-: Which operating system is better? C++ or Netscape?
} Q+: To be or not to be: that is the question.
} Q-: Is the Answer really 42?
} Q+: How can I make the Oracularities?
} Q-: I'm a hopeless geek. How can I expand my horizons beyond
} computer systems, Star Trek, bad puns and an endless search
} for titillation on the net?
} Occasionally, one observes questions which are their own anti-
} questions. The interaction between pairs of such questions seems
} likely to produce two or more null questions, plus a shower of
} ZOTons which may themselves react with other questions. The
} problem of just how many such questions need to be asked before
} the queue goes critical is an interesting subject for further
} research.
} Q+/-: I know she says she loves me, but does she *really* mean it?
} And why doesn't she trust me?
} Q+/-: Listen up, @*&^$%&. What's with this CDA &^%$#@*&? Don't
} those fascist %$**&#@%^s understand I have something
} *^#$+^%ing important to say?
} Q+/-: Why do people ask so many stupid questions?