} It's my law in action again.
} [Suddenly the door to the hallowed chamber of knowledge opens. The
} Oracle steps through.]
} Oracle> Hey! What are you doing at my terminal? WHO ARE YOU?
} Other Guy> I'm Murphy.
} and NOT "MURPHY".
} Murphy> Actually, it says Usenet Oracle.
} Oracle> Yeah, well, I haven't had that changed yet, but it STILL
} doesn't say "MURPHY."
} Murphy> Well, let me explain....
} Oracle> Let ME explain! The penalty for sitting on the INTERNET
} Murphy> Usenet Oracle
} Oracle> WHATEVER! The penalty for sitting on MY chair is ...
} [Zadoc, having somehow quietly entered the room, tugs on the Oracle's
} shirt.]
} Oracle> NOW what?
} Zadoc> Oh magnifi-omniscient one, you can't zot him.
} Oracle> And just why not?
} Zadoc> Because chapter XLIV, paragraph XII of volume CMVII of the
} rules of being an oracle plainly states that you cannot zot people
} with laws named after them. At least not the important laws.
} Oracle> WHAT?
} Zadoc> Almighty Oracle, whose shoes I'm unworthy to...
} Oracle> Just get to the point already. I still want to zot this guy.
} Zadoc> Well, sir, it's right here.
} [Zadoc opens volume CMVII of being an oracle and points to the
} paragraph in question.]
} Oracle> Well, it seems you're right. First for everything, I guess.
} [The Oracle turns back to Murphy who is grinning widely.]
} Oracle> You're not off the hook yet, Murphy. You are going to train
} these woodchucks to chuck wood, just so I can finally get an answer
} to that infernal question.
} [Murphy's grin falls to a look of horror as he disappears. The
} Internet Oracle sits in his chair, makes a mental note to fix the
} name on it, and looks at the supplicant's question as it currently
} appears.]
} Oracle> Best stories... inconvenient times, eh?
} [The Oracle cracks his knuckles as he prepares his wise answer....]
} Oracle> "Murphy's Law."
} You owe the Oracle a chair with "The Internet Oracle" across the
} back.