} What happens when you breed a wombat with a tasmanian devil?
} The wombat is a burrowing, herbivorous marsupial mammal in the family
} Phascolmidae. They're about two to four feet, and sixty-ish pounds.
} Their pouches open toward the back, which is wierd.
} The tasmanian devil is a carniverous marsupial, of the family
} Dasyuridae. They're about two-and-a-half feet long, with a foot-long
} tail, and way twenty-ish pounds. The jaws and teeth are massive
} bone-crushers, and the pouch is normal.
} So, first of all, since one of these creatures won't eat meat, and the
} other won't eat plants, it would probably starve. But lets ignore that,
} since they won't ever reach adulthood. The reason for this is that one
} of them has a pouch that's closed in the front, the other a pouch that's
} closed in the back. So, a tasmanian-wom-devil would have either a pouch
} that's open at both ends, or one that's closed at both ends. The young
} would fall out and bonk their heads, or end up being stuck inside
} forever. Being stuck inside of a tasmanian-wom-devil forever is no
} pleasant experience, let me tell you!