} Ah! Finally, something interesting! I was getting really bored of
} annswering all the feckless meanderings of obsequious mortal peasant
} users, especially the low-life morons who merely ask "Why?" and expect a
} complete answer to all the questions that life and the universe will
} ever pose. Sometimes I abuse them, sometimes I send no answer,
} sometimes I just say "42".
} It has been a long time since the Oracle received a question of medical
} nature.
} Now, then, let me have a look at you... hmmmm... hmmmm.... you appear
} to have a small badger and a credit card receipt stuck in your throat.
} The badger has died and almost completely decomposed, leaving an ugly
} mess on the back of your throat, which has been sealed on by the soggy
} receipt.
} I can recommend: 1) Stay away from badgers in the future... you're
} lucky you got a small one this time; 2) Destroy your credit cards, or
} stop eating the receipts; 3) Drink a shot of Southern Comfort.
} If you want a sure-fire, 100% method, then the Oracle requires you to
} sacrifice all of the nerve endings from your collarbone to your mouth.
} Furthermore, the Oracle demands eleven pounds of oregano, for the answer
} of your question, and a kilogram of yeast for each of the next three
} (never you mind what I'm making... it's an Oracular Delicacy that you
} humans could never appreciate).