} Unlikely, though I suppose the chronology would just about allow
} it. Riothamus was a leader of the Britons escaping from the Saxon
} revolt in England and settling in northern Gaul around 458 AD.
} The only historical record we have are the letters sent to him by
} Bishop Sidonius of Clermont-Ferrand in 460. Riothamus is remembered
} in the legends of Brittany along with Gradlon and other leaders of
} the mid-fifth century.
} *yawn*
} Oh, excuse me, supplicant. I've been up all night clearing the
} backlog in the questions queue and, frankly, I'm knackered.
} Exhaustion seems to bring out the pedant in me.
} Where was I? Oh, yes. It is generally agreed that Arthur was the
} victor at the Battle of Badon Hill, which Gildas asserts took
} place 43 years before he wrote his chronicle, say around 495.
} The Cambrian annals put the death of Arthur... mmmm, this is so
} soporifically boring... er, put the death of Arthur 21 years
} after Badon Hill, say, at a conservative estimate, 515. Now
} if *yawn*... mmm... say, if Riothamus was about 20 at the time
} of the emigration, then... then... zzz... he would have been, if
} he was... zzz... Arthur, he would have been... zzz... zzzzzz...
} zzzzzzzzzzzz...
} Arthur: Whom dost fancy for the 3:30?
} Oracle: Zzzzz... *snuffle*... What? Eh, eh, what?
} Arthur: Awaken, Merlin, thou dozy old beggar.
} Oracle: I wasn't asleep! I was momentarily distracted. Sorry - you
} were saying, Sire?
} Arthur: The 3:30. Prithee, on whom wouldst have me place my bet?
} Oracle: Oh, ah, Lancelot, every time.
} Arthur: Sir Launcelot du Lac is gone from our midst, is he not?
} Longtime hath he been ensnared by the wiles of the Fair
} Maid of Astolat withal.
} Oracle: Oh yeah, I forgot. Er, I meant Galahad.
} Arthur: Gramercy, Merlin! Sir Galahad the Pure hath not been spied
} in the kingdom sithen he departed on the Quest for the Holy
} Grail, everybody knoweth that! Fie, man, what ails thee?
} Meseemeth ye are getting senile! Is't time I took unto my
} employ a new magician?
} Oracle: No, no, Arty! I'm onto it, no sweat! Erm, what's the form?
} Arthur: Sir Gawain 5:2, Sir Perceval 4:1, Sir Breunis Saunce Pitie
} 16:1, Sir Hontzlake de Wendtland 33:1...
} Oracle: Riothamus!
} Arthur: What sayest thou?
} Oracle: Put the lot on Riothamus!
} Arthur: There is listed no knight of that name .
} Oracle: There isn't?
} Arthur: I'faith not. There is a Sir Roger the Ridiculous at 200:1.
} Mayhap this is he whom you mean?
} Oracle: Er... yeah. Probably.
} Arthur: This is no cozenage? Thou art sure?
} Oracle: Yeah, absolutely. It's a cert. Go ahead, Arty - you'll
} make a packet.
} Arthur: Very well. Sir Tote! Five thousand ducats on Sir Roger
} the Ridiculous!
} Bookie: If thou sayest so, Your Majesty, but thou'lt lose thy
} doublet.
} *yawn*
} You owe the Oracle... mmm... You owe the Oracle a... zzzzz...
} zzzzzzzzzzzzz