} Why certainly. Let's see... "other info" -- That must be where the
} survey is.
} % finger emu@univ.edu
} [Oracle stares at results]
} Ah yes... here it is (cleverly disguised as a PGP key):
} KAX5tRAZgRdbw51IXNzwxkWfUJUuuLRvnzXCRa7ybuqsN2Fk4FJbDXOoqlyrAbCx
} ZNpiPBuA3vI0+iOYhN5Lw7cA4n4QburNt+uieHj6Xc6zDPcoeLeirnNFYBihAAUR
} AZ27A/wN4sCancz3s8bcJdZ/WMHluxtiqyA8OmXeNWtMCgMPwfPiObzJIO5ADsqz
} WWnihEUAERjTOYO/v0L6ac4njflecZ3jA0wbmVYL6ANl1nDL3mhfnJki2jYOQ1gB
} M6aHL+laP/M6Clya4raHLpNaFAt1+d2olgM3JG1C4q6vB2ypp5ARRR5rFpwbHtCI
} oq5zRWAYoQEBEV4EAL4wmh77zqdQWmMF8noMDNl7AeZjk2XNHXJ1SbWxoQLuqarR
} PwXx4Zwks3m8NMfxLvtaMGSRJNYcj5CnKNurogVzvhYDqu1B3M+nbrJD4AoyZacj
} 7NWsI2HsYLF0MBFkPesFX9wmdHUGTR3fjPkg7XG1/Ma59qrZPlb72OMPMCr6tCdB
} YXJvbiBNLiBVY2tvIDx1Y2tvQHZheDEucm9ja2h1cnN0LmVkdT6JAJUDBRAye9rP
} t6Kuc0VgGKEBAdGaA/4wuSYWbF2Z6uQQhBttvp70N7zN7du5YFnvJeB+TgEUwNTM
} ig8KhUzqquitvXmR/DIxkYZRdR/Pscvh+EyOSZCcBeN2E3+HuLT5J3p1dYvV5Q6C
} V+2Emm3jUofDbUys6JoQgBOLW9u4Vui5U8utK0IS8VmtnHB93h95QBRK01C8jA==
} =cJYy
} Let's start with the first column
} > mKZtAWMoP7YtiV=
} Now, supplicant, how long has it been since TI made a decent processor?
} So, P7 definitely. (Although, I assume you know that isn't it's actual
} name.)
} > QANBZW6qwNX6g+c
} Can busy work for 6 quarters with no customers bring in 6 billion plus
} commissions? Um... no. (Not unless the entity involved is omnipotent,
} of course.)
} > CXpt2na5XWJK82J
} 82 Jaguar... sure, but what's wrong with pointing to it? So, yes, i
} suppose.
} > N5iB7iHzxsvuKEY
} Not sure about this one... I'll come back to it.
} > AtPYAhLR4Ibchmy
} Oh, I see, that last one was an encryption key for this one... OK,
} let's see...
} % perl -e 'print crypt("AtPYAhLR4Ibchmy", "N5iB7iHzxsv");'
} N5ee5a2DaRMww
} Much better... but I see it's out of order...
} N255MRww2Daee
} Yes, I'd say you need at least that much for any animated engineering
} simulation, regardless of discipline, but for more than 2 dimensions,
} you're going to need just a little bit more.
} > iRBX/E+WZ2i0Um
} Yes, if a human working with two other individuals, then they should
} certainly be able to move a roadblock acrross the street?
} What are these questions related to anyway? They seem a little random.
} > 4AuJwUlAwHBVz3
} Oh, they're for a small journal article about statistical mapping onto
} 3 dimensional complex space. Oh, I see.. makes perfect sense now
} > vZAvNAaYksNgqj
} Yes, I know your survey is ruined because I know its purpose, but you
} don't have to get so upset.
} > 3g3b4EPosYLGqU
} What!!! Don't even think about pointing those triple-barrel shotguns at
} me. Where did you get them from, anyway? And I really am not in the
} mood to ignore that last comment. *ZOT*
} > +RvisR/Q3LiKuo
} Certainly, it think revising your survey would be a good idea. So my
} answer is "yes".
} Your semi-motile remains the oracle the results of the new survey.