} I beg your pardon? This doesn't sound quite right. Things must have
} gotten mixed up in transmission--unreliable protocol, you know. Let's
} see if we can straighten this out.
} (shuffle shuffle) Will I, sly, get by a hag?
} No, that can't be it. Let's try again.
} (shuffle shuffle) Will a shy gila get by?
} Nope.
} (shuffle,shuffle) Why bag Lily?--get Lisa.
} What? What about Lisa?
} Yes, I will bag thy gal.
} You'll do no such thing! Who are you?
} Lyle with baggy Lisa.
} All right, Lyle, let Lisa go and I won't hurt you. And what do you
} mean, baggy?
} Baggy wet hilly Lisa.
} Well, hilly, okay, but . . .
} Leggy with sly labia.
} Look, Lyle, Lisa's privates are none of your business. Now LET HER GO!
} Lye bath--Lisa wiggly.
} *Lye bath*? What kind of monster are you? Lisa! LISA!!
} Bale thy wiggly Lisa.
} Do you have her tied up somewhere? Is she all right? I swear, Lyle,
} if you've hurt Lisa I'll ZOT you like I've never ZOTted anyone!
} Why, it's a li'l gag. Bye. L.
} A *gag*? This is your idea of a joke? You are really sick, Lyle, do
} you know that? You owe me big time. And don't worry, I'll collect.