} Indeed it is, and I probably shouldn't be telling you this, it's
} against Oracular policy you see, so let's just keep between us, ok?
} It's a little known fact that the events on our little planet are quite
} popular to the other species in the galaxy. It all started when
} General No'der'donkee, leader of the galactic armed forces in this
} sector of the galaxy stumbled across a little planet called Earth,
} about 500 years ago.
} At first, they thought it was just your average life-giving planet, you
} know, animals not far removed from amoebae, mindlessly running around
} killing each other, but a chance incident alerted them to the
} possibilities this little planet held.
} After landing their mothership in a place where they wouldn't be
} found they sent out a landing party to explore the planet. They had to
} collect a variety of information such as the types of life present,
} planet composition, weather patterns, etc. They like doing that sort
} of thing, it gives them yet another piece of useless information to
} teach their children in school which they'll never use. Also, there
} was always the remote possibility the little creatures would discover
} space travel some time in the following million years, so it was best
} for them to be prepared.
} Anyway, to cut a long story short, they were about to leave the planet
} in disgust when all of the sudden the General looked of the window and
} said ...
} "What the $*#! is that?"
} "The computer says that's called a giraffe, sir."
} By this time everyone was peering outside the window and they had soon
} all burst out into a fit of outrageous laughter. None of them could
} believe that such a stupid thing could exist. "Look at the neck, if it
} was any longer it might knock a few of our ships out of orbit!" I
} guess alien humour isn't quite the same as human humour.
} So, they stayed longer and had a closer look at the planet. To their
} amazement, they found such hilarious things as men wearing tights,
} rubber chickens and Windows 95.
} Galactic interest rapidly grew in Earth, which led to the establishment
} of many TV shows devoted to the events on Earth. Examples include
} "Earth's Funniest Home Videos", which consists of footage taken from
} orbit of what people do when they think there's no camera around, and
} "Earth TV", which catered to the aliens which were more interested in
} the human-interest stories.
} There has even been a few stories on "Galaxy's Dumbest Criminals",
} including one on some kids who stole a flying saucer and went for a
} joyride over Roswell.
} You owe the Oracle a toy giraffe.