} To: Lisa, Oracular companion
} From: The Internet Oracle
} Re: Holiday Job
} Honey, it might be cool if I took on a job as a mall Santa this year. I
} know whether everyone has been naughty or nice, of course. And how
} about the names of all of the reindeer? I think I can use the Staff of
} Zot to alter my appearance as needed. Check this out and get back to
} me.
} -O
} To: Zadoc, Oracular lackey
} From: Lisa, hot babe
} Re: Mall Santa
} Sweetheart, the big cheese thinks it would be cool to be a mall Santa
} this year. I know, but let's humor him. Find out what it pays and
} whether the Zot staff is enough to fix his looks. (No wisecracks!) Oh,
} and we need the names of the reindeer. Write soon.
} Love, Lisa.
} To: Ms. Emily Saurbraten, Temple Chief of Staff
} From: Zadoc, Executive Assistant to His Omniscience
} Re: Santa job
} Three questions honey: What's it pay to be a mall Santa? Can the Zot
} staff do plastic surgery? What are the names of Santa's reindeer? I
} need answers by noon.
} -The Big Z
} To: Penny, Benny, and Lenny, Research elves
} From: Emily Saurbraten
} Re: Quick questions
} Penny: Need a cost estimate for mall Santa.
} Benny: Check capabilities of Zot staff re. plastic surgery.
} Lenny: Names of Satan's reindeer.
} E.S.
} To: Ronald "Fingers" Scarpelli
} From: Penny "Sweet Lips"
} Re: Santa
} Honey bunny, I gotta get a cost estimate for a maul Santa. And I get
} off work today at five thirty. Want to meet at the usual place?
} X X X O O O X X X
} To: Dr. Albert Sintermann, chief of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
} From: Bernard McDinny
} Re: Zot staff
} I've got a question for you. Would you be able to fix up a zot victim,
} you know, afterwards, and could you make him look kinda normal again?
} -B McD
} To: Cerberus, Dog from Hell
} From: Leonard Farnham
} Re: Reindeer?
} Hey, do you guys have any reindeer down there? And what are their
} names?
} Lenny
} ........ much later .........
} To: Orrie the hottie
} From: Lisa the nubile
} Re: Santa job
} Got those answers you needed. Turns out that you can get a good Santa
} job for about $5000, broken bones are your choice (what's that about?),
} just show up at The Top Cat after work and wear your red outfit. You
} can get somewhat fixed up with any zot setting, even "UltraMegaZot",
} although the results really depend upon the strength of the zot. And
} I've got a list of names here: Gouger, Tyson, Kicker, Gorer, Stinky,
} Demon, Fangs, Nessus, and Rudolph. What's that all about?
} Forever yours, Lisa
} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
} You owe the Oracle a promise to be extra good this year.