} Hmm, that's a toughie...... OK, it's a Stegosaurus with no legs
} up against a wall, right? Or it's a top-down view of Eccentrica
} Gallumbits, the Triple-Breasted Whore of Eroticon 6 facing to the
} right? It's a mad scientist's attempt to fuse one Pacman onto the
} head of another and then saw the combination in half just in front of
} the eyes? No, hang on, I've got it.............it's another supplicant
} who knows I'm omnipotent and can therefore read their thoughts, and
} so just can't be arsed to type out their question, right? Well, what
} if I just can't be arsed to type out an answer, huh? What if I don't
} actually know what their question is? Just because I'm omniscient,
} it doesn't mean I know EVERYTHING, y'know!
} (Zadoc reaches for dictionary, finds relevant page and coughs
} discreetly)
} Well, OK, so it does, alright......Damn! That's that excuse out of the
} window......but have you ever actually read a human mind? No, of course
} you haven't, or you'd be me, and I'm me, so who the hell are you, huh?
} That's right, NOBODY! And let me tell you, right, reading human brains
} is NOT fun. All that angst, insecurity and rampant primeval lust buried
} right down there in your psyches - I tell you, Freud didn't know
} the half of it! And do you know what is right down at the bottom?
} Right deep down? Past the Subconscious, past the Unconscious?
} Seeing as I'm in a bad mood, I'll tell you..................it
} reads - "IMPORTANT ! Read the following End User License Agreement
} (EULA) carefully before installing the Brainware. Installing the
} Brainware implies that you have read this EULA and agree to all of
} its terms......................" and so on.......
} Have a nice day.
} You owe The Oracle a bit of consideration next time. Or failing that,
} a polite New Yorker.