} Supplicant, supplicant, supplicant. How many times do I have to tell
} you? You write the questions, *I* write the jokes.
} > But it was one of my better ones!
} Well, that's not saying much. It is nice to see you off that awful
} "Why is six afraid of seven kick?" you've been on lately; still, we
} need to practice. Now: ask me a question.
} > But I already did!
} That wasn't a question! That was a somewhat tasteless old joke
} rehashed to fit current events, with a feeble attempt at questioning
} tacked on at the end to make it look *somewhat* respectable.
} > But it was a question!
} Egad, must you begin every sentence with the word "But?" It's only
} supposed to use that way for special stylistic emphasis. And if you
} emphasize *everything*, well--
} > You're stallllllllllling!
} You haven't yet asked me a question!
} > Yes, I have!
} None worthy of my insanely valuable time.
} > Oh, come on! I've seen some of the tripe you deal with--I'm
} > currently referring to the questions, not the priests, although one
} > could make a case that those games you played with Kirsten and Ian
} > last night, in addition to being an insult to Lisa, were less than
} > productive hours, and--
} How did you know about that?
} > Oracle, Oracle, Oracle. How many times do I have to tell you? *I*
} > write the questions, you write the jokes.
} Don't you get sarcastic with me, young man! I can *ZOT* you whenever I
} please.
} > That's a bluff. You'd never risk the wrath of the American Society
} > for the Prevention of Cruelty to Supplicants. One peep from them,
} > and Indiana U. will fall all over itself trying to fire you, lest it
} > risk getting all manner of bad press.
} Curse your eyes!
} > HA HA! The balance of power has subtly shifted! Now *you* shall
} > have to face my every whim, instead of the other way around! *You*
} > shall have to grovel before me! *You* shall be forced to grant me
} > bounty! MU HA HA HA!
} SHHH! People are staring!
} > Dance for me, you omniscient fool!
} Wait a minute. . .
} > Uh-oh--
} I know that voice. . .
} > No! No you don't! It's just your imagi--
} > Please, most omnisciently omnipotent of masters! I beseech thee,
} > have mercy!
} > Temporary insanity?
} *Sigh* Have you been reading self-help books again?
} > Sorry, most unsuppuratingly grandiose font of all that is springtime
} > fresh. I--I just couldn't control myself.
} Yeah, yeah; I know. Still, you must do your penance; I sentence you to
} carry Lisa's purchases home for her next time she goes to the mall.
} > (blanching) Oh, NO!
} That'll teach you.
} Meanwhile, you owe me a mailbomb and Deepak Chopra's home address.