} Ah, Daniele, your English isn't that small. It's 10-point, just like
} every other supplicant's.
} Yes, I can speak, read and write fluently in Italian, French, German,
} Urdu, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Eubonics, Siksika, Russian, Ukranian,
} Dutch, Tagalog, Ibo, Africaans, Pishtu, Inuit (all four dialects),
} Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, Gaelic, Bantu, Zulu, Xhosa, Arabic,
} Indonesian, Vietnamese, Monteyard, Burmese... well, you get the idea.
} The problem is, Daniele, most of the people who read these
} Oracularities in the digests can only read English. It's a matter of
} making my wisdom known to the greatest number of people, you see. So,
} we'll have to struggle along in English.
} Bi-polar depression is a little-understood phenomenon. Along the
} equator, half-way between the north and south poles, there are many
} places where the land (and the ocean bed) are subsiding at an alarming
} rate... Oh, you meant...
} Bi-polar depression is a little-understood phenomenon. Also called
} manic-depressive behavior, these poor people have mood swings that
} disrupt their lives. Many centuries ago, it was assumed that they were
} posessed by demons. Now, with modern science, we *know* that they are
} posessed by demons. One course of treatment is to give the patients
} lithium suppliments (demons *hate* lithium). In addition, they are
} sometimes given anti-depressants and/or mood-elevators -- sometimes
} both at the same time, just to see what will happen.
} Sadly, there is little that can be done to "cure" bi-polar depression;
} the best we can do is to treat the symptoms and keep a lot of holy
} water nearby in case they really get out of hand.
} You owe the Oracle a slightly-less-serious question next time.