} Its just like football. The same bunch of guys, with the same kind of
} dresses keep running after the same kind of ball.
} Its just like new years, the same kind of days, the same kind of parties
} the day before, and the same kind of torturous greetings the next day.
} Year after year, ear after ear.
} Its just like money, the same green, the same 6 inches, the same 3.15
} inches, the same paper. Again and again. Yet we want more.
} It just like quarters. The same alloy, the same getting out of the
} change machine, and putting back into the vending machine, day after
} day, for date after date, candy after candy.
} Its just like semesters, the same tests, the same papers, the same
} articles, the same algorithms, the same complexity, the same lisp. Just
} minor variations.
} Its just like questions to the oracle, the same Lisa, the same sex, the
} same hang-ups and hang-downs.
} Hey no wait a minute - you've asked a different question. How come ?
} Hey Preservers of the Oracle - theres a smart guy down there .. track
} him down, and enroll him into the ranks !! Hi, do you hear me ? Join
} the band, and save the oracle.
} The Oracle demands one sensible movie. Please make it entirely in ASCII
} pictures, so it can be distributed on rec.movies, and by anonymous ftp
} from movies.hollywood.com. Colourised editions will be made available
} in clari.features.movies for a small charge. Of course, you will get
} 10% royalties for the movie from the proceeds of the USENET and ftp
} distribution, which will gross $00000.00 at least. The colourised
} version will be pirated. Thats why they colourise it.